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Get A Pool Ready For The Summer, Get A Good Deal

A pool in your backyard is the perfect way to beat the summer heat and create lasting memories with family and friends. To fully enjoy your pool during the hot Australian summer, it is essential to prepare it properly. In this blog, we will discuss how to prepare a pool for summer, the time it takes to complete the preparation, the significance of regular maintenance and cleaning, and reputable builders in the Perth area who can assist you in creating your dream pool.

How Do You Prepare A Pool for Summer?

Preparing your pool for the summer involves several essential steps that guarantee a clean and inviting swimming environment. Let’s explore the detailed process:

Clearing the Pool Area

Start by removing debris, leaves, or dirt from the pool deck and surrounding area. Use a broom, blower, or rake to ensure a clean space, preventing debris from entering the pool during preparation.

Checking Water Chemistry

Maintaining proper water chemistry is crucial for a safe and healthy swimming experience. Use a pool testing kit to measure the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels of the water. Adjust these levels as needed to maintain the recommended balance. This helps prevent algae growth and ensures the water is safe for swimming.

Inspecting and Cleaning Pool Equipment

Check your pool equipment, including the pump, filter, and heater, for any signs of damage or wear. Clean or replace the filter cartridges to ensure optimal filtration. Ensure that all equipment is functioning correctly to maintain proper water circulation and filtration.

Vacuuming and Brushing the Pool

Use a pool vacuum to thoroughly clean the pool floor, walls, and steps, removing any debris, leaves, or algae buildup. Additionally, use a pool brush to scrub away stubborn stains or algae growth. This step ensures a clean and inviting pool for the summer season.

Checking and Maintaining Water Level

Verify that the water level in the pool is at the recommended height, usually halfway up the skimmer opening. If the water level is low, use a hose to fill it to the appropriate level. The proper water level is essential for optimal pool performance.

Performing a Safety Check

Before enjoying your pool during the summer, conduct a safety check to ensure everything is in order. Inspect the pool fence, gate, and latches to ensure they are secure and in good condition. Ensure all pool safety equipment, such as life rings and safety hooks, are easily accessible.

How Long Does It Take to Prepare A Pool for Summer?

The time required to prepare a pool for the summer varies depending on various factors, including the size of the pool, its current condition, and the extent of maintenance or renovation needed. Let’s delve into the details:

Routine Maintenance Tasks

The preparation process typically takes a few hours for routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning the pool deck, adjusting water chemistry, and inspecting equipment. These tasks are essential for maintaining the cleanliness, safety, and functionality of your pool.

Deep Cleaning and Repairs

If your pool requires deep cleaning or repairs, the preparation timeframe may extend to a few days or more. Deep cleaning involves vacuuming, brushing, and removing any accumulated debris, algae, or stains from the pool surfaces. Repairing or replacing pool equipment, such as pumps, filters, or heaters, can also add to the preparation time.

Renovations and Upgrades

If you plan to undertake renovations or upgrades to your pool, the preparation time frame can vary significantly. This depends on the project’s scope, including factors such as adding new features, changing the pool design, or resurfacing the pool. Renovations and upgrades may take several days, weeks, or even months to complete, depending on the complexity of the work involved.

Planning and Scheduling

It’s important to allocate sufficient time for pool preparation to ensure a smooth and timely process. Factors such as the availability of professional services, weather conditions, and the scope of work required should be considered when planning the timeline. It’s recommended to consult with a reputable pool builder or maintenance professional, like Digger’s Bobcat Service, to discuss your specific requirements and determine the estimated timeframe for pool preparation.

Timely Preparation

To avoid last-minute rushes and delays, it is advisable to start the preparation process well in advance of the summer season. By proactively planning and scheduling pool maintenance or renovation tasks, you can ensure your pool is ready for enjoyment as soon as warm weather arrives.

How Can Regular Maintenance and Cleaning Ensure A Pool Is Summer-Ready?

Regular maintenance and cleaning play a crucial role in ensuring that your pool is in optimal condition for the summer season. Let’s explore the detailed ways in which regular maintenance and cleaning contribute to a summer-ready pool:

Water Quality and Safety

Regular pool maintenance and cleaning are essential for proper water quality. Regularly testing and balancing the water chemistry ensures that the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels are within the recommended range. This helps stop the growth of algae and harmful bacteria, ensuring a safe and healthy swimming environment for you and your family. 

Preventing Algae and Stains

Regular cleaning and maintenance help prevent the growth of algae and the development of unsightly stains in your pool. Regularly vacuuming and brushing the pool surfaces removes debris, leaves, and other organic matter that can promote algae growth. Additionally, proactive steps such as shock treatments and using algaecides can help prevent algae from taking hold and staining the pool surfaces.

Equipment Functionality

Regular maintenance and cleaning also ensure the proper functioning of your pool equipment. This includes inspecting and cleaning the pool filter, checking the pump, and maintaining proper water circulation. By keeping the equipment in good condition, you enhance its efficiency and prolong its lifespan, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns during the summer months.

Energy Efficiency

Proper maintenance and cleaning of pool equipment contribute to energy efficiency. A well-maintained pump and filter operate more efficiently, requiring less energy to circulate and filter the water. This helps reduce your energy costs and minimises the environmental impact of running your pool.

Safety and Aesthetics

Regular maintenance and cleaning go beyond functionality and enhance your pool’s safety and aesthetics. By keeping the pool deck clean and free of debris, you reduce the risk of slips and falls. Additionally, maintaining a clean and well-maintained pool enhances its visual appeal, creating a more inviting and enjoyable swimming environment.

Who Are The Reputable Builders In My Area? Who Can Help Me Create A Pool In My House?

When it comes to creating a pool in your house, it’s essential to work with reputable builders who have the expertise and experience to deliver outstanding results. Here’s how you can find reputable builders in your area:

Seek Recommendations and Referrals

Start your search for reputable builders by seeking recommendations and referrals from friends, family, and neighbours who have had pools built in their homes. Personal experiences and word-of-mouth recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of workmanship, professionalism, and customer satisfaction of the builders.

Research Online

Utilise online resources to research and gather information about local pool builders. Visit their websites to learn about their services, view their portfolios, and read customer testimonials. Online review platforms and social media can also offer insights into the reputation and reliability of builders in your area.

Check Credentials and Licenses

Ensure that the builders you consider have the credentials and licenses to operate in your area. Check if they are registered with relevant industry associations and possess the required certifications. This ensures that they meet the industry standards and regulations for pool construction.

Review Portfolios and Past Projects

Take the time to review the portfolios and past projects of the builders you are considering. Look for examples of pool designs and constructions that align with your preferences. Assess the quality of their work, attention to detail, and ability to create aesthetically pleasing and functional pools.

Read Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the reputation and customer satisfaction of the builders. Look for reviews on reputable platforms or ask the builders for references from their previous clients. Contacting past clients directly can give you a clearer understanding of the builder’s professionalism, communication, and ability to deliver on their promises.

Request Quotes and Assess Communication

Reach out to the builders on your shortlist and request quotes for your pool project. Pay attention to their responsiveness, willingness to answer questions, and ability to communicate effectively. A reputable builder will be transparent, provide detailed quotes, and address any concerns or inquiries you may have.

Evaluate Customer Service and Support

Assess the level of customer service and support provided by the builders. Are they attentive, reliable, and responsive to your needs? A reputable builder will prioritise customer satisfaction, maintain open lines of communication, and provide ongoing support throughout the construction process.


Here are a few renowned pool builders in Perth:


ABC Pools

With a track record of excellence, ABC Pools has built a reputation for constructing high-quality pools tailored to their client’s needs. Their team of skilled professionals ensures attention to detail and customer satisfaction.

Clear Water Pools

Clear Water Pools is known for their innovative designs and expertise in pool construction. They offer a range of pool styles and finishes, allowing you to create a unique and stunning pool that complements your home.

Oasis Pools

Oasis Pools specialises in creating luxurious and custom-designed pools. Their experts work closely with clients to bring their vision to life, resulting in breathtaking pools that enhance any outdoor space.

West Coast Pools

West Coast Pools has a strong reputation for delivering top-quality pool construction services. Their experienced builders and designers team ensures exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail.


When choosing a pool builder, it’s important to research their previous projects, read customer reviews, and request quotes to find the best fit for your needs and budget. Additionally, consider factors such as their expertise, warranties, and after-sales support.


At Digger’s Bobcat Service, we are happy to provide recommendations and assist you with your pool construction project. 

Are There Any Specific Products or Equipment Recommended for Pool Maintenance and Cleaning?

Maintaining a clean and healthy pool requires using specific products and equipment designed for pool maintenance. Here are some recommended items:

Pool Skimmer: Keeping the Surface Clean

A pool skimmer is a must-have tool for removing leaves, debris, and other floating objects from the surface of your pool. It consists of a net attached to a long pole, allowing you to easily skim the water and collect the debris. Regular skimming helps maintain a clean and debris-free pool.

Pool Vacuum: Cleaning the Floors and Walls

A pool vacuum is essential for cleaning the pool’s floors, walls, and steps. It removes dirt, sediment, and small particles settling on these surfaces. Different types of pool vacuums are available, including manual and automatic or robotic pool cleaners. Choose one that suits the size and cleaning needs of your pool.

Pool Brush: Preventing Algae and Stains

A pool brush is used to scrub the pool’s walls, tiles, and other surfaces to prevent the buildup of algae, stains, and other contaminants. Different types of brushes are available, such as nylon bristle brushes for vinyl or fibreglass pools and stainless steel or wire brushes for concrete or plaster pools. Regular brushing helps maintain a clean and visually appealing pool.

Pool Water Testing Kit: Balancing Water Chemistry

A pool water testing kit is essential for monitoring and balancing the water chemistry in your pool. It allows you to measure important parameters such as pH, chlorine or sanitiser, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Regular testing helps ensure that your pool water is properly balanced for safe swimming and prevents issues such as algae growth or equipment damage.

Pool Chemicals: Sanitising and Balancing the Water

Pool chemicals are necessary for sanitising the water and maintaining proper chemical balance. The chemicals required may vary depending on your pool’s needs and water chemistry. Common pool chemicals include chlorine or sanitisers, pH adjusters, alkalinity increasers or reducers, and calcium hardness adjusters. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using pool chemicals.

Pool Filter: Removing Impurities

A pool filter is an essential part of the pool’s filtration system, responsible for removing impurities from the water. There are different types of pool filters, including cartridge filters, sand filters and diatomaceous earth (DE) filters. The filter choice depends on your pool’s size, type, and maintenance requirements. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the filter are necessary for proper filtration.

Pool Cover: Protection and Heat Retention

Using a pool cover is beneficial for keeping leaves, debris, and dirt out of your pool. It also helps reduce water evaporation and heat loss, saving energy and keeping the pool water at a comfortable temperature. Choose a cover that fits your pool properly and is made of durable and UV-resistant material.

To Bring This Blog to A Close

Preparing your pool for summer is crucial to ensure a season of enjoyable swimming and relaxation. Whether it’s following the necessary steps for maintenance and cleaning, scheduling repairs or renovations, or selecting reputable builders, Digger’s Bobcat Service is here to assist you every step of the way. With our comprehensive Bobcat and excavation services, we can help create your dream pool and maintain it throughout the summer months. For any enquiries or assistance, please contact us at 0418 927 864 or visit our Google Business Profile. Get your pool ready for the summer and make lasting memories right in the comfort of your own backyard.


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